47 W Main Street Smithtown, NY 11787
Jomsom takes a problem solving approach to customize solutions that fit employers needs.
Get the help you need to fill in your short-term positions.
Reduce your risk by trying out a candidate before deciding to extend an offer of employment.
Fill an internal position quickly by leaving the search and screening on us.
Efficiently manage your contingent workforce by transferring them onto our payroll and erase your budget and better your bottom-line.
Jomsom’s onsite personnel will source, train, and deploy temporary staff, streamline administration and ensure productivity.
Tech, healthcare, admin
Our office is very well connected in the long island area. We attend lots of networking events.
Smithtown chamber of commerce, Farmingville chamber of commerce, Letip of bohemia,
– CEO of the the inspection boys
– Multiply brand owner.
It’s a great mix of blue and white collar workers.